Invasion from Aldebaran Czech Mladá fronta 1961

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Invasion from Aldebaran Czech Mladá fronta 1961.jpg

title: Invaze z Aldebaranu

original (Polish) title: Inwazja z Aldebarana
English title: Invasion from Aldebaran, the
language: Czech
country: Czech Republic
place: Prague
form: book
publisher: Mladá fronta
publication date: 1961
edition: first

translator: Simonides Jaroslav

cover: soft
cover by: Šváb Jar.
afterword: Jungwirth František
pages: 241

print-run: 44000
series: Kapka. Knihovna pro každého
series number: 39

[Stanisław Lem. Inwazja; Przyjaciel; Test; Patrol; Albatros; Szczur w labiryncie; Inwazja z Aldebarana; Ciemność i pleśń; Młot]